Spiritual Dialogue with Rev. Neusom Holmes

Unity of the Triangle 5570 Munford Road, Raleigh

This group meets every Thursday in-person, to share, discuss, study, and enjoy all aspects of spirituality together. The topics are fluid as the group decides what they want to explore next. Led by our Senior Minister Neusom Holmes.
Bring your bagged lunch and join us at 11:30am for a social gathering before the discussion.
Discussion starts at 12:00pm in Room 228 - Multipurpose Room

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Open Mic Night

Fellowship Hall

It's our monthly Open Mic Night!

All are welcome to sing, play - or just enjoy the music! A sign-up sheet will be available on Thursday - everyone is invited to select a song to play/sing or accompany others. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Unity will provide a PA with inputs for instruments and USB as well as microphones, so individuals can choose to use instruments, play solo, or sing along to recorded music. Email Dan Wilkinson at danwilk44@gmail.com for more info.