Be the Thermostat | Youth Monday with Gabriel López

Happy Youth Monday, everyone! 

I am excited to share this video with all of you! Gabriel Lopez has been part of our Youth Ministry since he was 7 years old! He is now a senior in high school and one of the two Southeast Regional Representatives (Regi) for Youth of Unity (Y.O.U.).

The Southeast Y.O.U. region consists of high school teens from the following states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennesse, and Florida. The Regis elected by the teens. They are in charge of planning and leading three annual regional rallies. These events enable our youth to experience spiritual awakenings through creative workshops, small group sessions, spiritual performances, concerts and social interaction with others who share a love for Unity. To me, the most powerful aspect of these events is the level of acceptance and absence of judgment we all get to experience. This enables the teens to truly be themselves and many of their lives are forever changed. I have had the privilege to witness the spiritual transformation of so many teens. Honestly, this is one of the things that inspires me to continue to lead this Youth Ministry!  

Spring Rally had to be canceled this year. Gabe and his co-Regi, Dougie Landhan along with the Regional Leadership Team, have managed to create virtual activities where we have all been able to connect at a time when we all need it the most! Our Y.O.U. chapter continues to meet weekly through Zoom! They use this time to support each other, share their feelings and our chapter co-leaders, Lauren Garcia and Taylor Debnam, lead wonderful lessons every Sunday!  I am so proud of all of them. 

Youth Monday - Be The Thermostat | Gabriel López| Unity of the Triangle | April 20 2020

In today’s video, Gabriel is sharing an analogy that he recently discovered as he watched a documentary about John Coltrane’s life. He was a very famous saxophonist. This analogy has helped him further understand what it means to be happy and at peace regardless of the conditions around him. He says: “If it wasn’t for the teachings of Unity, this analogy wouldn’t have resonated with me nearly as much.”

Thank you for watching! Please remember to subscribe, comment and share our posts. This helps us spread this message! Feel free to email me at if you would like more information. 

