In a world where we don’t control everything, we can find our heart and lead from there.

Download the series guide on The Art of Resilience and follow along each Sunday.

In Unity we emphasize on denying what is not true and affirming what is.  Meditation and silence, letting go and letting God and gratitude are all part of the Unity model of spiritual practice.  Nonetheless when we are faced with a major challenge, our old way of doing prayer kicks in.  To many of us, this way consists of beseeching and persuading an external God.  This idea of praying to an old man up in the skies, one that blesses but also punishes, is truly ingrained in the collective consciousness of many of us.

Following, we are presenting a 7-step prayer that integrates all the Unity teachings not only to support you in attracting the best of a situation but also in modifying that old belief of what prayer is… and thus, truly impact one’s consciousness by opening it up allowing Spirit to do what it does which is to bless, heal and prosper.

On January 23, 2022 Rev Ana offered a powerful lesson in which she further explains this prayer technology to truly support our prayer practice by turning it into a practice for peace as the lesson was titled. 

Click here to Download your 7-Step Prayer Guide

Hooponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice for forgiveness and reconciliation. It’s more than the prayer alone; it’s a process of making things right in your relationships — with others, ancestors, deities, the earth, yourself. … Special words are exchanged, emotions are revealed, and forgiveness flows both ways

The Ho’oponopono Prayer

There are four forces at work in this prayer: repentance, forgiveness, gratitude, and love. These are reflected in the four phrases that make up the prayer.

The phrases, which you can repeat in any order, silently to yourself or out loud, are:





Am I afraid to give more because I’ll have less?  Will I not have enough? It makes sense that the more you keep for yourself, the more you’ll have, right?

That way of thinking may make sense if we were all separate beings.  But the truth is that we are all connected with each other and God. And within this connectedness, there is an underlying cycle of giving and receiving.

When we realize that we are one with all that is and that there is plenty for everyone, it makes sense that as we give, we receive.

Whether it’s money, time, talent, or love, the cycle of giving and receiving provides for the needs of all.  We must trust in the giving spirit of God and remember that we are all part of that generous, loving Spirit. So give of your love, give of your time, give of your treasure, and you will feel the true prosperity that is your true nature.

Rev. Neusom reflects further on the topic of giving as developing in stages. Check it out in the video recap above.

Ready to give back? A great way to give of your time and talents is to participate in the Sacred Service Volunteer Program. Volunteer teams are waiting for your assistance. 

In honoring Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this week, we understand that we don’t have to get to the promised land, we just have to be on the path to it. We all want to have the opportunity to live up to our highest potential, to be all we can be, to fulfill our destiny.

It’s easy to fall into the “me, my, mine” mentality in an attempt to improve our circumstances and life. This frame of mind only gives power to the thought that we are separate from each other and Divinity. When we recognize ourselves as the Christ Presence, one with everyone and everything, our perspective changes from “How can I improve things for me” to “How can I improve circumstances for everyone”. We are all in this together and when we work together for the betterment of all people, our personal and collective lives improve.

As Martin Luther King would say,

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” and “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

What is it in our lives that can shift from a “Me” to a “We” perspective? It’s as easy as letting a car merge into traffic, opening the door for a stranger, bringing a meal to someone who is struggling, cleaning up trash in your neighborhood, or taking the time to listen to someone who needs to talk. And as King used his powerful words to change the historical patterns of segregation and discrimination, so too can we use our words for good and let those words raise us and others to a higher level of thought, compassion, and consciousness.

 As we go forward during this week of service, what do you plan to do for others? How are you going to live together with your brothers and sisters of humanity?